Human Resources

Oliver Onboarding

Onboarding & offboarding workflow
Create extensive onboarding and offboarding workflows to support a fluent and convenient process across countries, business units, locations and departments.
Start for freeKey features
Eliminate time consuming status checking
Get twenty-four seven status insights
Increase security and access control to vital systems and buildings
Oliver Onboarding

Similar real-world cases

Key features of this template

Build unique onboarding workflows per department, role or location
Execute workflows for every new hire, adjust specific task on the fly
Provide onboarding documentation, videos and instructions
Flexible and automated scheduling of onboarding tasks based on start date
End to end control for HR to monitor progress and results
Optimized for desktop and mobile use
Enhance it with AI
  • Enhance employee onboarding by using an AI to create a custom task list tailored to the employee's experience.
  • Streamline knowledge management by deploying an AI-powered virtual assistant to answer employee's questions.
More information about combining Triggre templates with AI >>
Suggested AI:
Leena AI

Connect with ...

Office 365
Office 365
... and any other external service thanks to Triggre's native Web APIs functionality!
Customize template

Tips for customizing your template

Questionnaires to test knowledge
Safety and security assessments
Pre-employment screening

How do I use this template?

Go to the dashboard of your Triggre Designer. There's a slider where all templates are shown. Go to the template you want to use by clicking the arrows left or right and click Load template. It will be loaded into your Designer instantly.

For more information about using templates, please take a look at our Knowledge Base articles about this topic.

How do I use this template?

First, download the template using the button below. Create a free Triggre account. Then, go to the Triggre Designer and click on "Versions". Click on the "Add" green button and then "Upload new version". Select the template file, and it will be loaded into your Designer instantly.

Pave your way to success with Triggre!

Your business is one step away from becoming everything you dreamed of, and Triggre is here to help you succeed. Create a custom web application that automates and supports all your business processes in the same platform in no time, for free. No coding knowledge is required!

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