The Automation Project Playbook

Step 4: Testing

Once you've completed the building phase in the third step, the fourth stage of Triggre's Automation Project Playbook focuses on making sure that everything runs smoothly.  

In the “Testing” step you'll follow the standard "Happy flow" to identify any issues. You'll document any necessary fixes or improvements, then challenge the system by testing its boundaries. These tests also involve users, increasing their acceptance of the new system. Continue reading to learn how to carry out a successful testing phase!

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Start with the Happy flow

Let's take a look at the example below, which illustrates one use case:

It starts with the user entering their data, confirming their registration, and then receiving a confirmation email. This sequence represents the expected, error-free path that the majority of users will follow—typically occurring 90-100% of the time. That's what we call the “Happy flow".

When testing, you should start by running through each use-case under these normal conditions, following the "Happy flow."  

As you go through each use case, take note of anything that doesn’t work as expected.

As you identify issues during testing, t's crucial to categorize them accurately to prioritize your efforts effectively:

  • Fixes: These are critical problems that must be corrected for the system to function properly. A fix addresses something that is not working as intended and could cause failures or disruptions in the automation process. Fixes should be the top priority, as they directly impact the system’s reliability and effectiveness.
  • Improvements: These are enhancements that, while not essential, can significantly improve the user experience or the efficiency of your system. An improvement might include streamlining a process, adding a feature that wasn’t initially included, or optimizing existing functionality.  

By clearly distinguishing between fixes and improvements, you can allocate your resources more effectively, ensuring that critical issues are resolved first, while still making room for potential enhancements that can add value to your automation project later on.

Break the mold

Once you’ve tested the normal operations, it’s time to push the boundaries by testing use-cases beyond the “Happy flow.” This is where you can uncover hidden issues that might not surface during regular operations. Actively try to “break” your application by testing edge cases—attempt actions like continuing a workflow without filling in any required fields, or entering data in an incorrect format.

While doing so, note down any issues you find and categorize them following the same logic described above, depending on whether they are a fix or an improvement.

This kind of testing helps you identify and address vulnerabilities, ensuring that your automation is robust enough to handle unexpected situations in real-world use.

Let users play their part

Engaging your users in this process is not only practical but essential.  Because your application is designed with them in mind, involving them early is crucial for increasing acceptance. Walk through the use cases together and encourage them to provide feedback on any fixes or improvements that may be needed.

HubSpot's guide on user testing mention a few more benefits to highlight:

  • Early user involvement helps uncover usability issues that might otherwise go unnoticed. When users engage with the system during the testing phase, they interact with it in ways that developers might not anticipate.
  • Involving users ensures that the final product aligns with their needs and expectations. By bringing users into the testing process, you get direct insights into their needs and preferences.  
  • Boosting a sense of ownership among users increases their acceptance and support for the new system. When users feel that their feedback is taken seriously and see that their input has led to tangible changes, they develop a sense of ownership over the system. This emotional investment translates into greater acceptance of the new technology, as users are more likely to support a system they’ve helped shape.  


Test each use-case under normal conditions (following the "Happy flow"), and document any issues.
Challenge the system by actively trying to “break it". Test edge cases and writing down the issues you encounter.
Engage users in the testing process to gather feedback, uncover usability issues that might otherwise go unnoticed, and boost their acceptance.

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